
The Princess Mural

This princess mural is the 3rd and final room
I completed for the 3 sisters. This precious little
girl was an absolute delight and wonderful hostess.
She was always kind enough to bring me water
during my long painting days. For her room,
she requested a princess mural with a princess,
who looks like her, on a horse. I was excited
about painting this mural because when I would
draw as a child, I would always draw horses.
I haven't completed a horse in a long time, but
it all came right back to me.
This is a full sized wall mural that spans the
entire wall.

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The Lady Bug Room

This precious lady bug room was the second of the three rooms I
completed recently for the family with three little girls. The vine
climbs the wall and scales up the ceiling with lady bugs perched on leaves
and escaping throughout the room. I can't wait to go back and see and take pictures of
the completed room!

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Butterfly Bedroom

This Butterfly bedroom was 1 room of 3 for an
adorable little family. I felt right at home while painting
as I listened to the joyful laughter of these three little girls.

I hand-painted a grass and Zenia border around the room
and accented with bright, girly butterflies. The Zenia flower
was chosen by the home-owner because of special
significance in a picture. I must say that I love the little personal
touches that were requested to make each room more personal to each girl.
(More personal touches to come)

Stay tuned for more pictures of the Butterfly Room and pics from the other 2 rooms.
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